Friday, January 14, 2011

Obsessions & Wedding Progess Update

I have to admit, I have a few obsessions when it comes to weddings. More when it's OUR own wedding! I have already had 2 nightmares about the wedding day and don't even get me started on those. haha Let's just say it was short of heavy sweats and waking up, jolting up and screaming in sear terror. Now that those are out of the way, I am sure I will sleep peacefully from now on.

Obsession #1: I love paisley anything. I love the design, I love the way it looks, I love the way it makes me feel, yada yada yada. If it's paisley, I am instantly drawn to it. Now with that being said, paisley will not be making into the wedding theme. Or at least it hasn't yet. Scott has let me but I am working on breaking that down. : ) jk

Obsession #2: DIY projects. And for those of you that are clueless, DIY= Do It Yourself. I am crazy about crafts and since the engagement I have found myself submerged in DIY wedding projects. They are really fun and believe it or not, a stress reliever for me. I take joy in creating something and have a deeper appreciation for it afterwards. I have already completed a number of projects for the wedding. Bridesmaids boxes filled with chocolate asking them to be my bridesmaids, customized wedding day wooden hangers for Scott and me, etc. Some of the projects I won't be able to mention until after the wedding : )

Also feeding this obsession is a book I received for Christmas. The DIY Bride Crafty Countdown. Thanks again Jo and Vicky!

I love this book. You must buy one for any bride you know! I haven't officially done any of the crafts in it-mainly because I already had a long list of my own ideas but I plan on it. Also, it helps feed the creative pool too.

Obsession #3: Wedding ideas. I have dozens of wedding ideas a day. However, this was something that happened ever before we got engaged but has start spreading like wild fire now. Scott cringes on the inside when I turn to him and say, "I have a new wedding idea!" Of  course I say it so enthusiastically and vibrant it's hard not to smile at it. : )

Wedding Progress Update

This month we are going to finish the following:
  • We are going to go register! I know this will be one of the most fun things Scott and I get to do together as part of the wedding process. I have always wanted to be able to hold that scanner gun and run around the store zapping everything in sight. The real trouble begins when we start fighting over "who gets scan" but I am sure we manage it. Also, I think we have decided since we both have so much household stuff from living on our own, we will be registering for the honeymoon as well. It's a modern invention to the wedding world but I think we will give it a try. Place is still being determined so if you have any suggestions, send them our way,
  • Order my wedding dress! I LOVE my dress and can't wait to have it. The only problem is that I will want to "try it on" several times before the big day.
  • Save the Dates-they have arrived! We got them from the printer and they look great. Scott did an amazing job on the design. We will be sending them off hopefully at the end of this month.
  • Calligraphy-I took an all day class last Saturday and I am in love. More on that later though : )
  • Wedding bands-We are going to start looking this weekend. I am looking forward to buying Scott his ring and can't wait to see which one we pick out!
Well, that's all for now but be sure to check back as more news will be coming! ~A.
Amanda + Scott

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